How to Make Your Life Tax Deductible
Furthermore, IRS Tax Code is subject to change at a moment’s notice. The United States Congress approves taxing concepts; then the IRS is responsible for writing the Tax Code, which is the set of rules and regulations (in the form of tax law) detailing the specific rules that all taxpayers must follow in The preparation, filing, and paying of their taxes. Then the U.S. Congress passes tax law reflecting the Tax Code created by the IRS.
The IRS is empowered to administer and enforce all federal income tax laws and to collect all pertinent taxes.
It is very difficult for you to dive into the IRS Tax Code in an effort to understand all the details and to stay current with all the changes. All of which have been developed to allow you to take advantage of the very favorable tax laws applicable to small business ownership, to truly make your life tax deductible tax-ai!
The rationale behind the IRS and Congress using tax law to engage in social engineering regarding small-business owners (creating tax law that leads small-business taxpayers to take actions that are good for the economy as a whole) is that it is becoming evident that the future success of the U.S. economy is increasingly dependent on the growth of small businesses. For example, it is estimated that upward to 60 percent of the future growth in jobs will be directly attributable to small businesses-their creation and subsequent growth. Therefore, it’s beneficial for the economy to give breaks to these small businesses that will allow them to succeed.
In the final analysis, it is up to you! Small business owners enjoy two distinct benefits:
1). the profit that the businesses generate (profit that is under the control of the business owners and can be used as they see fit)
2). Tremendous tax savings (the opportunity to convert personal expenditures into tax deductible expenses and thus to enjoy considerable tax savings). Remember, you can enjoy profits and tax savings no matter what size your business is; small businesses are just as able to generate both profits and tax savings as larger businesses.
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